
Apiculture, the science of bees. That was the tour motto that led me to Russia in 2019 to develop a thematic trip about one of the most important animals on the planet. It was the second encounter with that fascinating country, after a visit to Kaliningrad Oblast in 2005, where I coached an international student work camp. The rich honey culture around the vast capital of Moscow led me to interesting production units, research centers and innovators. One night later on a comfy train, I found myself at Wolga river. I never understood if it’s a stream or a massive lake, even though I tried quite hard wild-camping along it’s shores and sipping cocktails in posh bars on the riverfront of Samara.

11 time zones and roughly 9000 kms from the Estonian border on the very West to the Pacific Ocean on the extreme east, packed with fascinating stories, friendly people and amazing landscapes demand many re-visits. The country is pushing to ease independent travels and drawing attention to rural areas, putting sustainable tourism top of the list of strategic development options. Best conditions to become one of the greatest destinations worldwide.