Marcus Bauer
M.A. Sustainable Tourism Management
Diploma Travel and Tourism Management
Mainzer Straße 114
66121 Saarbrücken, Germany
+49 1520 2987150
Workshops and Presentations
- Workshop Nachhaltigkeit: “Unser Projekt”
Mader Reisen, Österreich (23. März) - Workshop Nachhaltigkeit: “Kunden und Kommunikation”
Mader Reisen, Österreich (26. Jan.) - Workshop Nachhaltigkeit: “Reisekette und Stellschrauben”
Mader Reisen, Österreich (12. Jan.)
- Impulsvortrag Nachhaltiger Tourismus
Mader Reisen, Österreich (24. Nov.)
Tourism Development Opportunities
International Geotourism Forum, Kitab Protected Area, Uzbekistan (1. Aug.)
Roundtable on Rural and Agro Tourism in Russia
ZPIT Institute for Tourism, Moscow Oblast, Russia (11. Aug.)
- Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Aktionsraumanalyse im Tourismus
5. Bremer Freizeitkongress, Hochschule Bremen (24. Nov.) - Ecotourism, Protected Areas and Academic Education in Tourism: Connecting the worlds
European Ecotourism Conference 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia (11. Sep.) - Panel Discussion on Tourism Development Opportunities
Saudi Travel and Tourism Investment Market (STTIM 2018),Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia (3. April)
- Ethics in tourism
Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland (25. Sep.)
- Tourism in 2040 – Scenario Planning Workshop
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio, Brasil (12-15 Sept.) - The ethical limits of tourism
Saxion University, Deventer, The Netherlands (16. März) - Destinations that make sense/s
Saxion University, Deventer, The Netherlands (15. März)
- Nachhaltige Produktgestaltung
Wissensdusche beim TourCert Forum, Frankfurt/M. (20. Nov.) - Germany as a travel destination
Keynote speech, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland (25. Sep.) - The tourist profile of German tourists
Guest lecture presentation, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland (22. Sep.) - Communication in Sustainable Tourism
Guest lecture presentation, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland (22. Sep.)
- Tourismus uneingeschränkt: Kommunikation – Die Hardware & die Software
Workshop für das Bildungszentrum des Handels e. V. Kreis Recklinghausen, Haltern und Herten (11.-12. Nov.)
- Communication comes naturally – or does it?
Workshop presentation, 40th Conference of the Europarc Federation, Debrecen, Ungarn (11. Oct.) - Gut rüberkommen – Changierende Grenzen in der Tourismuskommunikation (Blitzlichter aus der Praxis)
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie Konstanz (30. Mai)
- Kinderrechte, Kinderschutz und Tourismus
Bundesrealgymnasium Wenzgasse Wien (30. Jan.) - Der Tourismus-Kinderschutzkodex und seine Umsetzung im Unternehmen
2. CSR-Tage der Ferien-Messe Wien (13. Jan.)
- Kultursensible Entwicklung, Sanfter Tourismus
Pädagogische Hochschule Linz (14. Okt.) - Tourismus – Entwicklungsmotor für den ländlichen Raum? Bestandsaufnahme zum gemeindebasierten Tourismus in Westbengalen und Nordostindien – Bengal Link e.V., Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien (ZIRS), Südasien-Seminar Halle/Saale (27. Juni)
- Tourismus-Kommunikation: Pressemeldung, Presseverteiler, Presseportale
Workshop, Berufsschule Handel und Reisen, Wien (16. Juni) - Child Protection in Tourism – The role and the responsibility of the tourism industry
MODUL University, Wien (11. Mai) - Nachhaltiger Tourismus – Wer macht denn so was, und warum? Workshop und Einführung zum Thema, Berufsschule Handel und Reisen, Wien (06. Apr.)
- Der Kinderschutzkodex der Tourismuswirtschaft
Branchentraining für Reisebüros und Reiseveranstalter, Graz (22. Feb.) - Kinderschutz im Tourismus – Medien-Training für die touristische Fachpresse
ECPAT Österreich, Wien (01. Feb.) - Kinderschutz im Tourismus
Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Tourismus und Wirtschaft, Wien (20. Jan.)
- Kinderschutz im Tourismus – Ein Training für MedienvertreterInnen der touristischen Fachpresse
ECPAT Österreich, Wien (20. Dez.) - Urlaub mit Nebenwirkungen – Tourismus und Menschenrechte
Peace Watch / Peace Brigades International, Bern (9. Dez.) - Der Kinderschutzkodex der Tourismuswirtschaft
Branchentraining, ACCOR Hotels Österreich, Wien (19. Nov.) - Die Verantwortung der Tourismuswirtschaft zum Schutz der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung – Maßnahmen und Möglichkeiten
Branchentraining, Thomas Cook Austria, Wien (17. Nov.) - Täter nehmt euch in Acht! – Kinderrechte, Kinderschutz und sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern im Tourismus
Executive Academy der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Wien (20. Okt.) - Offenders Beware – Training on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism
International Management College IMC, Krems (16. June) - Ethik und Tourismus – Kinderrechte, Kinderschutz und sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern im Tourismus
Fachhochschule Puch-Urheim, Salzburg (11. Juni) - Offenders Beware – Training on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism
International Management College IMC, Krems (17. May)
- Ecotourism – The potential for North Bengal
Presentation and Panel Discussion, North Bengal Industry Fair, Siliguri (22. May) - Responsible Tourism options for the East Himalaya
EHTTOA Eastern Himalaya Travel and Tour Operators Association Annual Meeting, Siliguri (13. Apr.) - Promoting waste-free destinations
Expert Panel on Waste Management in Tourism Destinations, Sunderbans Tiger Reserve, Sajnekhali (12. Jan.)
- Linking Tourism and Poverty Reduction – Experiences from Rural India
Reisepavillon, Hannover (4. Feb.) - Endlich Österreich – Endlich Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus
Reisepavillon, Hannover (4. Feb.)
- The Help Tourism Model
Conference “Prospect of Ecotourism in North Bengal”, Sukna (3. Dec.) - From Tiger Conflict to Tourism – Social Transformation, Poverty Alleviation and Conservation Initiative in the Sunderbans, India
Pro-Poor Tourism Conference, University Greenwich, London (31. Mar.) - Transitions in the Eastern Himalayas – Peoples and Nature in the Biodiversity Hotspot No. 1
ITB Internationale Tourismusbörse, Berlin (12. Mar.)
- North Bengal Tourism – Realising the potential
CII Enterprise Conference, Siliguri (16. Dec.) - Poster Presentation “Casa Matsiguenka in Peru”
GTZ Forum on Sustainable Tourism, Berlin (11. Feb.)
- “Da könnt ja jeder kommen!” – Gedanken über einen “Führerschein” für’s Reiseziel
tip travel industry professional Reisemagazin, Wien
- Fluch des Erfolgs – Tourismusboom in Georgien
Junge Welt, Berlin - Wir spielen alle nur Theater – Tourismussoziologie im Interview mit
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Heuwinkel
tip travel industry professional Reisemagazin, Wien
- Ganz nah dran – Streifzug durch Museen in Lettland
Junge Welt, Berlin
- Im Zwiespalt – Neue Straßen erschließen Indiens Nordosten
Junge Welt, Berlin - Kumbh Mela in Ujjain – Reiseblog gemeinsam mit Tamuna Markgraf
reisetipps, Wien - Sich ein Bild machen – Dreifachblindstudie im lothringischen Metz
Junge Welt, Berlin
- Litauen – Kultur, Kunst und Kanu fahren
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - „Die Couch ist ein Märchen“
Mitarbeiter-Porträt, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Notunterkunft Wilmersdorf: Neue Nachbarn
Reportage,intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - 8. Bäder- und Reha-Tour: In die Pedale für gelebte Inklusion
Veranstaltungsbericht, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Rund um die Soorstraße
Infotainment-Serie rv-lokal, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift DRV Bund, Berlin - Ehrenamtlich engagiert: Joblinge – Gute Aussichten
Interview, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Maharashtra – unbekanntes geografisches Zentrum
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Urlaub und Co: Das Anwesenheitsmanagement wird digital
Bericht mit Interview, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Bungalow statt Beton – Ökotourismus in Nordzypern
ITB-Spezial Alternatives Reisen, Die Tageszeitung junge Welt, Berlin - Einladung zum Kiezspaziergang Wallenbergstraße
Infotainment-Serie rv-lokal, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Landpartie im Baltikum,
Reisereportage, Die Tageszeitung junge Welt, Berlin
- Fantasievolle Kunstwerke: Wenn die Quadriga zur Goldelse blickt Mitarbeiter-Porträt, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin
- In guter Tradition in die Zukunft
Mitarbeiter-Interview, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Urban Gardening: Kräuter made by DRV Bund
Glosse, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Der Zeit mehr Leben schenken
Mitarbeiter-Interview, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin
- Gut rüberkommen – Changierende Grenzen in der Tourismuskommunikation
in: Thimm T. (Hg.) Tourismus und Grenzen – Studien zur Freizeit- und Tourismusforschung Band 9, Verlag MetaGIS-Systems, Mannheim, ISBN-13: 978-3-936438-44-4 - Kind und Käse in der Franche-Comté
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Sicher bis zuletzt – Porträt und Interview zum Ricam Hospiz Neukölln
intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Auf die Sprünge helfen
Mitarbeiterporträt, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Was ist kindersicher? Gastbeitrag zum Thema Kinderschutz für ECPAT Österreich
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Skål International, Gastbeitrag zum Thema Kinderschutz für ECPAT Österreich
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Kinderschutz mit Gütesiegel, Gastbeitrag zum Thema Kinderschutz für ECPAT Österreich
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Richter aus Leidenschaft
Mitarbeiterporträt, intern – Mitarbeiterzeitschrift der DRV Bund, Berlin - Abenteuerreisen: Ethisch und moralisch einwandfrei, Gastbeitrag zum Thema Kinderschutz für ECPAT Österreich
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - ITB Berlin – den Tatsachen ins Auge blicken, Gastbeitrag zum Thema Kinderschutz für ECPAT Österreich
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Wein, Kulturschätze und reichlich gutes Essen
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf - Fahrrad-Schlösser an der Loire
Der Traveller, Touristik-Fachmagazin, Perchtoldsdorf
- Der Natur auf der Spur – Ökotourismus mit Kindern
complete Magazin, Wien - Nachhaltigkeit wird zum Thema – Report Costa del Sol
tip travel industry professional, Wien
- Länder Fact-Sheets zu Kindersextourismus, Bangladesch, Indien, Philippinen, Vietnam ECPAT Deutschland e.V.
- Kleine Könige der Lüfte: Flugreisen mit Kindern
Reisetipps-Magazin, Wien - Indien – Zu Besuch in den Teegärten der Götter
complete Magazin, Luxus Beilage, Wien - Aktiv zum Schutz der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung im Tourismus – Informationen für die Reisebranche
40-seitige Fachbroschüre, Redaktion, Hrsg. ECPAT Österreich, Wien - Green Meetings – Tagen im Einklang mit Mensch und Natur
tma – Travel Management Austria, Wien - Mit Kind, Kegel und Rucksack – Sanftes Reisen mit Kindern
Reisetipps-Magazin, Wien - Changing Lives in the East Himalaya
Gastbeitrag über gemeindebasierten Tourismus in Nordost-Indien, www.greenloons.com - Kinderschutz im Tourismus
Gastkommentar-Reihe (12 Ausgaben), traveller-Magazin, Perchtoldsdorf
- „Kindersextourismus“: 12 weit verbreitete Irrtümer
ECPAT Österreich & ÖRV Österreichischer Reisebüro-Verband, Wien - Abenteuerlicher als gedacht – Jugendreisen nach Bosnien Herzegovina
Standard online, Wien - Kreuzfahrten – Eine Branche in Bewegung
tip travel industry professional, Wien - Nachhaltigkeit – ABC der Zukunft
tip travel industry professional, Wien - Neuer Quellmarkt Indien – Lukrative Zielgruppe oder Herausforderung im „Business as usual“?
tma travel management austria, Wien - Nachhaltigkeit – Weit mehr als leere Worte
tip travel industry professional, Wien - Weltweiter Trend zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit
tip travel industry professional, Wien
- Verschweigen bringt gar nichts… Der schwierige Umgang mit Tabu-Themen: Kindersextourismus zur Sprache bringen
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien# - Die Unberechenbarkeit der Krise – Reaktion auf Krisen im Tourismus
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien
- Social Transformation, Poverty Alleviation and Conservation Initiative in the Sunderbans (India)
IFTRAC Tourism World Vol.1 Issue 2 - Tiger-Tourismus in Indien: Wirksamer Schutz vor der Ausrottung?
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien
- Die Bedeutung von Zeitreichtum für die Tourismusindustrie – Marketingpolitische Entscheidungen
VDM Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, ISBN-13: 9783836404372, ISBN-10: 3836404370 - The challenging transition from ‚Terrorism‘ to Tourism – The case of the Bodo people in Assam, India
ECOT online - Added value: relaxation and a good conscience combined through voluntary tourism
ECOT TourismScan, Chiang Mai, Thailand - …denn das Gute liegt so nah? – Tourismus und Migration
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien - Tourism and Poverty – How can tourism contribute to the elimination of poverty?
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien - Tourism and Poverty
ECOT Contours Magazine, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Sind so kleine Hände – Über das Verbot der Kinderarbeit im Tourismus in Indien
Südasien Magazin, Bonn
- Infocheck ‘Armut und Bettelei’ – Informationen zur Reisevorbereitung – Umgang mit schwierigen Situationen auf Reisen
respect, Wien - Nichts als Leere – Tourismus und Desertifikation IYDD
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien - Die Wüste im Herzen Europas
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien - TO DO!-Award: Ausgezeichnete Tourismusprojekte in Lateinamerika
Integra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung, Wien
- Google Local Guide, Level 7, ca. 1100 pictures with around 31 mio views (as of Feb 2021)
- Publisher and Editor, Einfachgutereisen.com
- Editor Germany, Austria, Who-is-who in German Ecotourism, Planeta.com
- Editor, DestiNet.eu
- Tripbod für Österreich, Tripbod.com
- Editor Blog, www.helptourism.com/blog
- Editor Blog, www.agricolus.wordpress.com
- Admin, Responsible Tourism group, Linkedin, 2300 members (as of Feb 2021)#
- Admin, Tourism and Biodiversity group, Linkedin, 3850 members (as of Feb 2021)
- Editor / Admin, Tourismus-Kinderschutz-Kodex, Facebook-Seite
- Editor / Admin, Tripbod, Facebook Seite
- Accredited Blogger, Phocus Wright@ITB 2012
- Editor HTML-Newsletter, www.mare-mundi.eu
- Editor HTML-Newsletter, www.ecpat.at
- Editor HTML-Infomail, www.respect.at
- Autor, Tourism_LOG, www.tourismlog.wordpress.com
- Autor, Klima_LOG, www.klimalog.blogspot.com
Tourism Award Applications
- TODO Award 2012
“Sunderbans Jungle Camp” - Wild Asia Responsible Tourism Award 2009
“Sunderbans Jungle Camp” – WINNER “Community-Based to Homestay Operators” - National Geographic Geotourism Changemakers 2008
„Help Tourism“ - Conde Nast World Savers Award 2008
„Help Tourism“ - Skal Ecotourism Award 2008
“Manas Jungle Camp” - Best Aventure Travel Companies on Earth 2007
“Help Tourism” - Tourism For Tomorrow Award 2007
“Sunderbans Jungle Camp”- Finalist “Community Benefit Award” - Skal Ecotourism Award 2007
“Manas Jungle Camp” - TODO-Award 2007
“Sunderbans Jungle Camp”
Consulting Experience
- Projekt Landmarken, Regionalverband Saarbrücken und Eurodistrict SaarMoselle
- Tourismuskonzept, Gemeinde Saarwellingen
- Co-Organisation India Tourism Roadshow, Vienna
- Tourism Service Provider Survey
„Project 50+“, Schönberg/Germany - Environmental Management Audit
Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein, Werftpfuhl /Germany - Visitor Survey
Reisepavillon, Hanover/Germany - Reader Survey Integra Magazine
respect Institute for Integrative Tourism and Development, Vienna/Austria - Rapid Assessment Case Study
Ecotourism Project Kenya - Hospitality and Housekeeping Training
Manas Jungle Camp (Assam/India), Hee Village Tourism (Sikkim/India), Damdim Tea Estate (West-Bengal/India) - Energy, Waste and Water Consumption Analysis and Planning
Sunderbans Jungle Camp (West-Bengal/India), Neora Valley Jungle Camp (West-Bengal/India) - Communication and International Marketing
Help Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (India) - Travel Trade Show Preparation
ITB Berlin, Salon Mondiale Tourisme Paris, Help Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (India) - Visitor Management and Guide Training
various CBT-projects in India - SWOT and SOFT analysis
various CBT-projects in India - Tourism Communication
Print, Social Media, Storytelling, Press Releases, Workshops - Organisation of Networking Events and Presentations
- Accessible Tourism Planning
- Press Trip Organisation
- Child Protection in Tourism
Workshops with tourism students and business professionals
- EU Leonardo da Vinci Programm, Österreich, 2006DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Indien, 2005 und 2007
- Akademie für internationales Mobilitäts-, Sport- und Tourismus-Management e.V.
2. Vorsitzender, Saarbrücken, www.aim-akademie.eu - Association for Conservation and Tourism
Siliguri/Indien, ww.actnowornever.org - Bengal Link e.V.
Beisitzer, Halle/Saale, www.bengallink.org - Panke.info e.V. (now liquidated)
Berlin, www.panke.info
Additional Qualifications
- Design Thinking – Introduction Day
- htw saar / FESTO AG, Saarbrücken (2019)
- Zertifikatsreihe Wissenschaftskommunikation
- htw saar, Saarbrücken (2016-2018)
- Einführung in die Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS I)
- htw saar, Saarbrücken, (2017/2018)
- Grundlagen Professioneller Lehre / Hochschuldidaktik
- htw saar / TU München, Saarbrücken (2016)
- Videoschnitt – Grundlagen
- Landesmedienanstalt Saarland, Saarbrücken (2015)Journalistisches Sprechen
Werkstätte für Kunstberufe, Wien (2010/2011) - Trainer “Kinderschutz im Tourismus”
ECPAT – End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (2009)
- Linked In http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcusbauer
- XING https://www.xing.com/profile/Marcus_Bauer14
- Facebook http://www.facebook.com/marcus.bauer
- Youtube http://www.youtube.com/respontour
- Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/respontour
- Slideshare http://www.slideshare.net/agricolus
- Issuu http://issuu.com/agricolus
- Couchsurfing http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/agricolus/
- Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator)
- SPSS für statistische Auswertungen
- Limesurvey für Onlinebefragungen
- Moodle Learning Management System
- Microsoft Office
- Eric Monkaba, The Backpacker Concierge (http://www.backpackerconcierge.com)
”I embarked on a culinary walking tour of Vienna with Marcus and it was fantastic! We explored the city almost entirely by foot, never back-tracking or revisiting the same areas twice. Certainly, the highlight was taking a ride out to the hillside towns on the fringes of the city to sample the first round production of local wine – the sweet, carbonated flavor was something I had never experienced before. I would certainly recommend this excursion to active people who are as manic about food as I am!” - Tailor Chase, Blaze Travel Guides (http://www.blazetravelguides.org)
”As the editor of international guides for active travelers, I try to present my readers with a comprehensive, responsible understanding of the cities they are visiting. In Vienna, I could not have done this without the insight, advice, and collaborative support of Respontour. Thanks for making this city accessible, understandable, and unforgettable for active travelers everywhere!” - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Strasdas, Master Programme Sustainable Tourism Management, HNEE Eberswalde/Berlin (http://www.hnee.de/tourismus)
”I know Mr. Bauer from various seminars and excursions, and from this value him as a student and a human. He is dedicated and communicative, has excellent teamworking skills and a good professional knowledge of tourism.” - Dr. Margit Leuthold, (former) director of respect – Institute for Integrative Tourism and Development, Vienna (now www.nf-int.org/themen/nachhaltiger-tourismus)
“I know Marcus for about 6 years now. I like his passion of involvement in his workfields as well as his engagement into his family (and I appreciate his supportive partner and – as far as I could get to know them – the two cute and inquiring kids). Marcus first came to respect-Institute for Integrative Tourism and Development for an internship from March to July 2006.
He came up with the ambition to work hands-on in sustainable tourism development. Marcus had just spent a project placement in community based tourism development in India and we agreed to draw from this experience.
His internship resulted in some tangible produce that Marcus should use as reference work. He worked on a a project to draft a new publication series called “Info-Check: How to cope with challenging situations on travel”. So he wrote and edited the first edition with a focus on “Poverty and Begging”.
Our chief-editor of Integra Magazine for Integrative Tourism and Development encouraged Marcus to elaborate and practice his writing skills, and he finally contributed to three editions. Starting with book reviews, he contributed own articles, supported the editing team in picture research and the reviewing and editing of articles by external authors, and actively checked for potential external authors and contacted them independently.
During his work placement in India Marcus agreed to blog about his professional observations and his personal experiences. With this Tourism_LOG respect encourages selected authors to reflect and share their travel observations on tourism and sustainable development, and it is read by more than 4000 visitors per year.
After his return to Vienna from India in 2008, I offered Marcus a part time contract with respect, allowing him to balance his strive for professional performance and his responsibilities as a father of two young children.
Marcus joined the PR and communications team as a content writer and web administrator for www.respect.at, and with the task to develop and produce an info-mail to regularly distribute current information about respect’s work and general news about sustainable tourism to our database of almost 1500 contacts from media, academia, polity, tourism industry and affiliate public. In the cause of respect’s restructuring process, we had to resign Marcus’ contract as a PR team staff in early 2010.
In October 2010, Marcus was with respect for a third time, taking over a project assistance in the EU-project “Offenders Beware”. We had to fill the position of a colleague on maternal leave six months before project end. Since his time with respect in 2008, Marcus had built up expertise in the topic of child protection and action against commercial sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism. Thus, he could seamlessly fill the gap. He arranged and coordinated training measures with universities and tourism businesses, and held workshops. In addition, he fostered a stronger cooperation with travel media to raise awareness for the topic within the tourism industry. I am sure, that Astrid Winkler, CEO of ECPAT Austria (www.ecpat.at) would also agree with a positive reference to his engagement.
I remember Marcus as a very communicative person who works well in teams, who can take a lead and lobby others for his projects.
He is able to work independently, but appreciates regular feedback. His creative thinking produces many valuable ideas that unfortunately not always comply with the financial and human resources of a small organisation. He is very passionate about tasks he is convinced of, and a clear communication on the targets and the structure of projects assisted Marcus in distributing his resources efficiently. Marcus tends to strive for perfection and sometimes loses sight of a good work-life-balance, but I am sure, with good structure he will be able to handle it. His family is a good partner to get a realistic view to it.“
- Mag. Astrid Winkler, Director, ECPAT Austria (www.ecpat.at)
“I know Mr Bauer since about 6 years. This goes back to a time where both, Mr Bauer and I, were working for respect-Institute for Integrative Tourism and Development (this NGO is not any longer active; it is now part of the Nature Friends International umbrella organization). At that time, I was responsible for the departement of child protection in tourism and related projects; Mr Bauer started as an intern; later on he had been involved in tasks and projects related to communication, web-performance, newsletter etc. As a colleague at that time, I was impressed by his profound knowledge of sustainable tourism, his ability to understand and communicate difficult issues around sustainable tourism in an easy understandable way as well as by his readiness of mind and keen perception.
I, myself, left respect in 2007 and become Director of ECPAT Austria in 2008.
Between 2008 and 2010 Mr Bauer attended a Train-the-Trainer seminar which ECPAT had organized in 2008 and started to work also as a free-lance trainer for ECPAT. Apart from that he was also hired on contract basis for developing an HTML-newsletter, different templates for our communication and documentation system (i.e. for our Annual Report).
At ECPAT, Mr Bauer held the position of project coordinator of an EU-project on child protection in tourism between October 2010 and March 2011 (he replaced a colleague who went on maternity leave). During this time, Mr Bauer was responsible for coordination of training workshops in schools and for tourism professionals. He was also in charge of developing a communication strategy for the topic of “child protection in tourism” and “how to sell the child protection Code to the tourism sector”. In this capacity, he had also organized a workshop for journalists where they received briefing and background information on exploitation of children in tourism and how to prevent this crime by involving the tourism sector as an active partner. Furthermore, Mr Bauer was also involved in drafting a background information booklet on Child Protection in Tourism and other communication tools on the topic.
Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, we could not provide Mr Bauer with a permant contract/employment after this EU-project had come to an end by 31 March 2011.
Since then, Mr Bauer was still involved as trainer and as “communication policy advisor” including establishing contacts with media and journalists. Due to his communication and networking skills – in combination with profound knowledge on the subject – we, ECPAT , could establish a media-partnership with one well known special interest media in the field of tourism in Austria.
Mr Bauer has an exceptional capacity for “multi tasking”, which I was always impressed about (see also my comments above). Apart from that, he is also able to keep track with what he was proposing, developing or suggesting. He is keeping records of his ideas and proposals and understands the need for follow-ups and the right timing for it.
There had not been so many problematic situations, however, I have seen a well developed capacity of enduring frustration at him. Mr Bauer likes to develop new strategies and ideas in order to reach a goal and he is able to approach a problem/target from different angles.
Although Mr Bauer has a strong capacity in self-organizing and self-management and is definitly able to work independently (including keeping deadlines) he is also a very good “team-player” and likes to exchange his ideas with others, to listen to others opinions and taking into consideration other’s opinions and strategies.
Apart from what I have mentioned already above (team player etc), I appreciate Mr Bauer’s ability of combining professional planning with social skills. He likes to interact with people, to communicate, to discuss problems and topics with others in order to find new ways of approaches. He also is able to accept critical remarks without becoming defensive. Hence, I am convinced that he can work very well in a small team. He is for sure a pro-active person; in order to achieve a certain goal, he is putting a lot of effort in establishing contacts as well as following up and he is doing that without being constantly reminded or guided. As I said above, he also keeps records of talks, ideas, informell brainstormings and is making use of that or following up when it is needed.
I feel sorry that we, ECPAT, are not able to employ Mr Bauer as communication officer due to lack of continous funding for such a position. We see him best placed in such a function and I am convinced he will perform extremly well in such a job.”
- Anna Winkler, (former) director of respect – Insititute for Integrative Tourism and Development, Vienna
“Herr Bauer war im Bereich Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit tätig. In dieser Aufgabe zeichnete er verantwortlich für die Konzeption, Redaktion und den Versand der neu eingeführten respect Info-Mail. Dieser vierteljährlich erscheinende Newsletter informiert 1400 Empfänger aus der Tourismuswirtschaft und -Forschung, aus Politik und Presse sowie interessierte Privatpersonen über das aktuelle Geschehen im Themenfeld Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Tourismus.
Herr Bauer betreute redaktionell und technisch die Instituts-Webseite www.respect.at. Durch Umstrukturierungsmaßnahmen im Rahmen der gegebenen technischen Voraussetzungen und den Austausch von Inhalten mit verwandten Informationsportalen wurden die Zugriffszahlen von www.respect.at innerhalb eines Jahres um 50% gesteigert.
Herr Bauer betreute die von respect initiierten Blogs www.klimalog.blogspot.com und www.tourismlog.wordpress.com, auf denen Expertinnen und Experten auf Einladung Beiträge zu Klimagerechtigkeit und zu Tourismus und Entwicklung verfassen.
Als Mitglied im Redaktionsteam des Magazins lntegra – Zeitschrift für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung war Herr Bauer mit der Konzeption der Ausgabe zu „Tourismus und Sprachen” (2. Ausgabe 2009) beauftragt. Diese Tätigkeit umfasste die Anfrage von Artikeln, deren redaktionelle Bearbeitung, die Recherche von geeignetem Bildmaterial sowie die Koordination mit der externen LayoutVerantwortlichen und der Druckerei.
Als Vertreter von respect nahm Herr Bauer an Treffen mit internationalen Netzwerkpartnern, an Messen, Kongressen, Workshops und Vorträgen teil.
Herr Bauer hat die übertragenen Aufgaben stets zur vollsten Zufriedenheit erledigt. Er arbeitete stets mit größter Zuverlässigkeit und mit äußerster Genauigkeit. Vor allem seine Kreativität und seine lösungsorientierten Ansätze waren eine große Bereicherung für die Arbeit von respect.
Wir wünschen ihm auf seinem weiteren Berufs- und Lebensweg viel Erfolg.”
- Asit Biswas, Co-founder Help Tourism Pvt. Ltd., Siliguri and Kolkata, India
“Mr. Marcus Bauer fIrst came to Help Tourism as an intern during his study in the master course Sustainable Management at University Berlin/Eberswalde in October 2005. The internship was set up as a combination of practical experience in our day-to-day operations and the self-reliable work on a project, as was defIned by the university regulations. Mr. Bauer’s project was “Bringing international support for the community tourism movement of Help Tourism in East- and Northeast-India”.
During his stay in India from October 2005 to January 2006, Mr. Bauer visited several of our community tourism projects throughout the East Himalaya to familiarize with our products and to provide external review. The information gathered by Mr. Bauer was the base of internal discussions about the project performance and helped us to mainstream the products better with the demands of incoming travelers, in terms of presentation, service, interpretation, facilities and customer support. Moreover, Mr. Bauer used the experiences with our tourism initiatives to establish links with the international tourism market, which included travel media, outgoing tour operators and tourism expert networks.
On our behalf he represented Help Tourism on the [nternational Tourism Fair ITB in Berlin in March 2006, where he also presented the output of his project work.
Mr. Bauer continued this work voluntarily after March 2006 by writing several articles about our projects, sharing Help Tourism’s experiences in expert forums and on conferences, and linking our company and our related NGO ACT-Association for Conservation and Tourism with likeminded NGOs and platforms, e.g. SDT e.V. Sustainable Development through Tourism, Germany, the Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership, U.K., and the International Center for Responsible Tourism, U.K. Thus, he managed to strengthen the brand name of Help Tourism as a model for successful community participation in conservation through tourism in the East Himalaya.
From November to December 2006, Mr. Bauer again visited our offIces and projects to brief us about the efforts taken on our behalf, to discuss details about a membership of Help Tourism in the International Center for Responsible Tourism, India Chapter, and to plan a promotion tour to Europe in March and April 2007 with participation in tourism fairs in Berlin (ITB) and Paris (Salon Mondiale du Tourisme & Salon Aventure).
From January 2007 on Mr. Bauer was working with us from Germany to contact potential business partners, to prepare and send out itineraries, and to arrange meetings. He supported us in the processing of the required Schengen Visa. During our European tour Mr. Bauer facilitated our stay in Germany and the transport to France, the U.K. and the Netherlands. He accompanied us during the entire trip and attended all major meetings and conferences.
From September 2007 to June 2008 Mr. Bauer stayed with our offices in India, being based partly in Kolkata and in Siliguri. His duty during this stay comprised
– taking forward our virtual marketing efforts (websites)
– improving internal and external communication (interpretation training of staff and local project partners, and preparation of presentations for conferences, workshops, conservation and tourism expert forums and business partners),
– working on product development (drafting circuits, itineraries and packages),
– accessing international expertise and applying it to the company and the partnership projects (knowledge brokering)
– participating in community training programmes, workshops and festivals (Waste managementLava and Sunderbans, SHAN Festival Hee Bermiok), partly coorganised by him,
– coordinating internship and volunteering requests and drafting programmes accordingly (ASA-Programme, voluntourism companies, direct internship requests),
– applying for international tourism awards (Tourism for Tomorrow Award, SKAL Ecotourism Award, Conde Nast Traveler Award, National Geographic, Changemakers Award, To Do-Award, Responsible Tourism Award) and shortlistings (National Geographic Adventure ‘Best Adventure Travel Companies on Earth’)
– handling media requests (briefproject and product descriptions, picture selection)
– establishing and following up business links with outgoing operators and fully individual travelers ftom overseas (customer contact, itinerary development, prearrival information, picture and text materials) and
– advising on company development and branding (Corporate Identity, HR management, networking, media and PR relations).
With his thorough knowledge about our company, our community tourism projects, our conservation initiatives and our area of operation, namely the East Himalaya, we expect that Mr. Bauer will be a reliable partner in Europa and a valuable contact person for establishing a strong foothold for Help Tourism in the European market.”