Nice to meet you

In 1974 my parents chose to name me Marcus Bauer, the C was important to them and my family name Bauer – in English farmer – blends the image of a common man with skills to work the world and live in harmony with nature. That’s enough not to ask a royal title.

Modern times demand more than being stuck to the ground, so my walk of life allowed me to live in exciting cities like Berlin, Vienna and Calcutta as well as in calm hidden gems like India’s Northeast and my native place Saarland, where I currently (again) put my tent up.

My professional journey is headlined by tourism and communication. How diverse and colorful this blend can be, is the content of this website. Along the way, I helped two beautiful children grow roots and wings.

It’s a pleasure and an honor to welcome you here, and in case you discover something where we both can make the world a better place, I am looking forward to your message.